Bilde: BUCHAREST HERALD | Not many know that a unique species of snakes hides in the “Hill of God” natural reservation located 35 kilometers from Iasi, in the Valley of David protected area, in the Uricani area. We are talking about the steppe viper. The vipers are now in their period of reproduction, writes.

Every year in early March the vipers come out of hibernation and start their reproductive period. The males come out first, followed by the females, looking for crickets, grasshoppers, lizards and locusts to feed on. The ones that manage to see them can have a once in a lifetime experience. This happened to several students from the Biology and Geography Faculties in Iasi, who witnessed an unusual event.

Standing less than a meter away from these reptiles, they were able to see how several steppe vipers captured by specialists were released back into the reservation. One by one they brought the vipers back to the places where they were found in order to reproduce. “Vipers usually come out of hibernation in March, but given the longer winter this year they came out in early April. The places where we find them are higher areas, in the upper part of the hill.

The vast majority of the vipers are on that side, to the left, and they can be found where you sit too. The habitats are in these areas because snow does not form layers here and the areas are not left flooded in the spring. The vipers shed their skin and the reproduction period starts. They are very shy and their venom is very precious for them, that is why they do not waste it and they are generally frightened by man,” Alexandru Strugariu, enrolled in the Biology Faculty’s Ph.D. program, stated.


"Dealul lui Dumnezeu", locul din România unde nimeni nu are curaj să calce

Nu sunt mulţi cei care ştiu că în rezervaţia naturală "Dealul lui Dumnzeu", aflată la 35 de kilometri de Iaşi, şi în zona protejată Valea lui David, în zona Uricani, se ascunde o specie de şerpi unică în lume.  Este vorba despre viperele de stepă, care acum sunt în plin proces de reproducere, scrie

In fiecare an, la inceputul lunii martie, viperele ies din hibernare si incep perioada de reproducere. Mai intai ies masculii, iar apoi femelele, care cauta greieri, cosasi, soparle sau lacuste pentru a se hrani. Cei care reusesc sa le vada pot trai o experienta unica in viata. Acest lucru li s-a intamplat mai multor studenti de la Facultatile de Biologie si Geografie din Iasi, care au luat parte la un eveniment inedit.

Aflandu-se la mai putin de 1 metru distanta de aceste reptile, acestia au putut sa vada cum mai multe vipere de stepa din specia Ursinii moldavica, capturate de catre specialisti, au fost eliberate in rezervatie. Rand pe rand, acestia le-au readus in locurile unde au fost gasite pentru a se reproduce. "Viperele ies din hibernare de obicei in luna martie, dar fiind iarna mai lunga in acest an, au iesit la inceputul lui aprilie. Locurile unde le gasim sunt zonele mai inalte, in partea superioara a dealului. Vasta majoritate a exemplarelor este pe partea aia, in stanga, inclusiv unde stati voi fiind vipere. In aceste zone sunt habitatele, pentru ca aici nu se aseaza zapada si nu raman inundate primavara. Naparlesc si se declanseaza perioada de reproducere. Sunt animale foarte sperioase, iar veninul lor este foarte pretios pentru ele, de aceea nu il irosesc si sunt speriate in general de om", a spus Alexandru Strugariu, doctorand in cadrul Facultatii de Biologie.

In ultimii ani, habitatul natural le-a permis viperelor sa se inmulteasca destul de repede, ajungand la cateva sute de exemplare doar in rezervatia Dealul lui Dumnezeu. Sunt foarte usor de recunoscut, dupa forma si coloratura, care poate fi cenusie, gri deschis sau argintie cu banda in zig-zag, neagra pe spate, care contrasteaza cu fundalul. Cei care le "intalnesc" le pot recunoaste dupa cei 4 solzi ventrali de pe spate, a combinatiilor de solzi de pe cap sau prin codul de bare prin care sunt marcate. Chiar daca naparlesc de mai multe ori pe an, pielea se regenereaza incet-incet, iar marcajele cu numerele 1213 sau 1214 pot fi recunoscute usor. O vipera poate ajunge la 60 de centimetri lungime, iar femelele se aseamana cu masculii.

"Noi am capturat peste 100 de exemplare din rezervatia Dealul lui Dumnezeu, marcate, fara nicio recaptura. In Valea lui David sunt sub 100 de exemplare. Din datele relativ preliminare as merge chiar mai departe, pana la 1.000 de exemplare, insa nu putem spune ca este o estimare reala. Nu exista doua vipere care sa aiba acelasi model, aceeasi conformatie a anumitor solzi pe partea dorsala a capului, fiecare exemplar fiind unic. Se hranesc si cu soareci. De exemplu, am gasit o femela toamna trecuta, care incerca sa inghita un soarece de 3 ori mai gros decat ea. Nu stiu daca avea sanse sa il inghita pana la capat, dar e mai bine ca am gasit-o noi", a mai spus specialistul.

BUCHAREST HERALD | Not many know that a unique species of snakes hides in the “Hill of God” natural reservation located 35 kilometers from Iasi, in the Valley of David protected area, in the Uricani area. We are talking about the steppe viper. The vipers are now in their period of reproduction, writes.
Every year in early March the vipers come out of hibernation and start their reproductive period. The males come out first, followed by the females, looking for crickets, grasshoppers, lizards and locusts to feed on. The ones that manage to see them can have a once in a lifetime experience. This happened to several students from the Biology and Geography Faculties in Iasi, who witnessed an unusual event.
Standing less than a meter away from these reptiles, they were able to see how several steppe vipers captured by specialists were released back into the reservation. One by one they brought the vipers back to the places where they were found in order to reproduce. “Vipers usually come out of hibernation in March, but given the longer winter this year they came out in early April. The places where we find them are higher areas, in the upper part of the hill.
The vast majority of the vipers are on that side, to the left, and they can be found where you sit too. The habitats are in these areas because snow does not form layers here and the areas are not left flooded in the spring. The vipers shed their skin and the reproduction period starts. They are very shy and their venom is very precious for them, that is why they do not waste it and they are generally frightened by man,” Alexandru Strugariu, enrolled in the Biology Faculty’s Ph.D. program, stated.

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